S.A. Self Defense

Beard Oil & Body Wash

Our Beard Oil, Body Wash and Lotion is 100% natural and organic! 

We also pack each product with vitamins and pure oils!

Beard Oil

S.A. Self Defense Beard Oil Bottle

Of course since we love our customers we have put our beard oil in 2 fluid ounce bottles to give you double the product than the majority beard oils out there!

The price? Yep we got you and you can purchase S.A. Self Defense beard oil for $9.99!

Body Wash

S.A. Self Defense Body Wash is made from 100% plants and is all natural, organ and vegan approved!

No chemicals or fragrances!

This Body wash will give you the best skin you have every had!

Not only is it 100% natural it has exfoliating seeds (from plants) to help remove that old dry skin and our body wash is packed with pure vitamins to boost your new skins health!

Purchase your S.A. Self Defesne all natural, chemical and fragrance free body wash below. You will love it!

Spread the Love & Stay Healthy, Safe and Kind