Category: Byrna Holsters

Explaining the S.A. Self Defense Running / Bellyband, IWB, and OWB Holsters for the Byrna SD and LE

By Brett | S.A. Self Defense

Explaining the S.A. Self Defense Bellyband, IWB, and OWB Holsters for the Byrna SD and LE Alright, let’s talk holsters—because let’s be real, nobody wants to be caught awkwardly fumbling for their Byrna SD or LE when the moment counts. Whether you’re looking for a concealed carry setup or a holster that gives you that […]

Simplified Shipping: Know Exactly What Byrna Items Can Be Shipped to Your State

By S.A. Self Defense

Listen to Article At S.A. Self Defense, we’re committed to providing you with the tools you need to protect yourself and your loved ones, all while staying compliant with state laws. To make your shopping experience as seamless as possible, we’ve updated our website to include a detailed, state-by-state guide on Byrna product availability. Whether […]